
I started this blog in 2010 when I was 27. I was both looking for a fitting creative outlet and dealing with meeting the later side of my 20s.  It was the first year I really felt the need to rewind time. All of my life plans were designed around age 30.  By the time I’m thirty, I should be married, have my dream job, live in a great home, maybe with a kid on the way.  This was my vision of thirty before I could understand what any of that means.

But things really didn’t happen according to plan, and for someone like me who tries to map out their own fate, I am noticing that there is only so much you can control, that life is going to throw you some curve balls, and your priorities can change in a heartbeat.

This year, I turned 30, and there is still so much I need to unpack and understand.

This blog is about realizing reality, one revelation at a time.  This blog is about my journey to thirty and beyond, and maybe something more than that.


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  1. yay, dana! love it… very brave and entertaining! i look forward to following you (or getting dragged along) on your journey. i hope it’s not too bumpy, although the bumps are what make us well-rounded. yeah, and lemons are for lemonade, blah blah blah;) oh, check me out at newmeadow.wordpress.com too! i promise it’s not all cheesy lines.

    • Thanks for the support Meadow! I’m sure you’ll be making an appearance on my blog as I delve deeper into my Career Moves. I love your blog and will definitely follow you as well! Hope to see you soon!

  2. Hey Dana,

    I love the blog, it is really cool. Keep up the great work!



  3. Nice blog! Keep up!

  4. great blog!! a little birdie gave me the tip to read your blog…love ut!

  5. Hi, Dana. Just read the article on breast cancer. You have been very fortunate to know two wonderful women who have fought the disease bravely with all their hearts and souls and who have made it know it was in a battle. Your Grandma, my mom, never let it get her down. You remember, even when she was suffering deeply if you asked how she was she would always answer “100%.” She was a pretty neat lady and I miss her as much as you do and I will always remember her courage.
    Love you, give Mr. H a kiss right on his big, furry face from his Daddy.

  6. Hey Dana, Love the blog.Just read the “Thanks for not Smoking” post. I can’t wait to read more. Please feel free to stop by on my blog. Thanks, Sepi.


  7. So with you!! Also trying to come to terms with the idea that there’s life after 30 – the thought process inspired me to finally launch a blog (mostly as a way of free therapy). http://www.size6after30.wordpress.com
    Thanks so much for reading my mind and look forward to more great stuff!

    • awesome! will definitely check you out!

  8. “and for someone like me who tries to map out their own fate, I am noticing that there is only so much you can control. All you can do is be flexible, be faithful, go with the flow and adjust your plans accordingly.”

    i had my life planned out before i graduated college. well a year after college graduation i have no plans whatsoever just dreams and aspirations. will i accomplish all of them? who knows but i know i’ll be trying!

    love the blog and your writing style!

  9. Nice work, Dana. Your honesty, on top of being delightfully engaging to read, really goes a long way in soothing the neuroses of those of us creeping up on that same dreaded milestone. Am I speaking about myself? Honestly, yes.

    You seem to have “it” quite together, though. The part of me that doesn’t have much of anything together (i.e., most of me) almost wishes you were as much of a mess as the rest of us. Keep up the good work.


    • Thanks Eric. It seems the grass is always greener on the other side. It’s easy to hide behind pretty words sometimes. 🙂

  10. I know how you feel about plans before your 30. I had plans to have a career and a place of my own (that is living on my own) by the time I was 25. Now, I just have a few months til I’m 30 and it did not happen. I was very upset for a couple of years. Upon reflection I find I am in a better position. I have slowly been working toward a career; though I am dreaming of travelling and working abroad and it looks more plausible since I’m still living at home. So, life seems to direct you a little differently depending on what doors open and close. It is good to be content with where you cause you could have been in a worse position. If you have a one on one talk with people who have accomplished what you wanted by the age of 30 you will find unhappiness within themselves even though they have the external things in life. They have had to make many compromises along the way.
    All the best.

    • thanks Diana! I hope you’ll come back and comment sometime 🙂

  11. I turn 30 in June, so I know what you mean about it shining in your face! I made a list of things I want to do before 30. Hopefully I’ll get them all done! But it’s tough when some of them involve other people as well (marriage, babies, etc.).

  12. From somebody who is also 27, I sympathise with you. I can remember my mum being 30 which is truly scary!

    When is your birthday?

    • February 4. I’ll be 30 in 2013!

  13. Me too! April 27 2013!

    • then jump on the train! it will be a fun ride!

  14. I am almost hitting the 40 and I still feel like I am 16

  15. When I turned 30 I thought the world was going to end, as the life I had envision for 30 was far from reality. We can all relate 🙂 But at 31 I can honestly say, the 30s are far from bad. Hang on!

    • thanks! I’m looking forward to it!

  16. I married at 29 (my wife was 27), had my first kid at 32, my second kid at 34 (they are 18 months apart) and bought my first house at 35 (funny how the kids and house immediately follow).

    None of it turned out the way I had planned it. But I’m happy.

    So now, I’m planning my 50’s. 🙂

  17. When you are say 40, your perspective about the struggles encountered when living through your twenties will be radically altered. I really like your blogsite. It’s well designed, inviting and exudes warmth.

    • thanks. I’m sure it will change! Maybe the sequel to this blog will be Pushing Forty. We’ll see!

  18. Interesting blog – happy I found it. I made a list of things to do before I turn 30 on my own blog. It’s a good way to motivate myself.

    • I’ll have to check it out! Hope you’ll come back to visit 🙂

  19. You know, I find that we both share a commonality. I just turned 27 last month and I had been dreading that day because it seemed that life as I knew it….was….approaching 30. I kept saying like an obsessed chic…”Only 3 yrs away from 30, what have I done, what have I done?” I would cry to my family about it. It was a stressing time for me. I kept thinking of what I have accomplished, what I should’ve accomplished and didn’t and the big one…what I was expecting to accomplish by the time I turned 30. I gave myself timelines when I was younger, I wanted to have my Bachelor’s degree by 23, be married by 25 or 26 the lastest, own a house by the time I was married (which would have been in the 25-26 bracket), have a kid by 28, have a succesful business by 29. And neither one have I accomplished. I’m still single, no kids…and I’m still only working on my Associate’s degree let alone a bachelor’s. So I have had to rethink some of those things. So believe me when I say I can relate. But who says us girls still can’t have fun, and maybe the planning is just all for the better. So here’s to that fast approaching number and to our future endeavors that WILL be achieved. Thanks for the read, it was very encouraging to know I’m not the only one in the world thinking the same exact way! 🙂

    • glad you found me! Hopefully I can continue to encourage you through our relative experiences!

  20. Wow Dana…I can relate to so many of your stories and reflections…I hope all is well, my friend! Please keep it up- you are the voice of reason, sense and truth in this time of our lives…Hope to see you soon! And congrats on your engagement!

    • thanks and congrats to you too! Would love to get together. It’s been way too long!

      • Right??? We’ll need to get together and introduce our future to-be’s so they can lement together while we talk about G-16!

      • if there was a way to like comments, I’d like this one 🙂

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